Penerapan Strategi Promosi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit Melalui Pemberdayaan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI Pada Baduta Stunting

DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i2.1823


Anif Prasetyorini(1*), Alfi Najah Kamilah(2), Aulia Putri Ardhana(3)

(1) Department of Hospital Administration, STIKES Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo
(2) Department of Hospital Administration, STIKES Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo
(3) Department of Hospital Administration, STIKES Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo
(1*) Corresponding Author

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The case of child stunting is one of the 6 goals in the global nutrition target which is to be completed by 2025 with the key indicator in the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger. Empowerment is the initial milestone in Hospital Health Promotion activities that can be implemented outside the building. Objectives to empower the provision of complementary breastfeeding to stunted mothers as a specific protection effort. The methods of outreach to the community around the hospital by providing pre-tests and post-tests to measure knowledge. The Results of the activity were carried out using two methods: presentation and evaluation. The first stage is the presentation and question and answer. The presentation goes through 4 activities: opening, introduction, implementation, and closing. The opening activity is carried out by explaining the purpose and objectives of the activity. The introduction stage is carried out by explaining the activities that will be carried out. Implementation activities are related to providing material to participants regarding the definition of Complementary Foods for Breast Milk, Types of Main Foods, Types of Snacks, Explanations about age categories, child development, texture of MP ASI, frequency of MP ASI, and quantity of MP ASI per portion, Things to pay attention to when cooking or the use of cooking utensils when making complementary food and then ending with a lid. The second stage is the evaluation stage, which shows an increase in the knowledge of stunting clown mothers, the participant quota is fulfilled and the material is delivered to the participants. Conclusions: There needs to be re-empowerment of stunting clown mothers.


Promotion, Hospital, Empowerment


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